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Victim Services in B.C.
VictimLinkBC is a support program for victims of crime and trauma across B.C. and Yukon. This service is toll-free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in different languages. Victims can access VictimLinkBC by:
Services for Victims
VictimLinkBC provides information and referral services to victims of various crimes
We direct people to the services that fit their needs and give information about the network of community, social, health, criminal justice system and government resources, such as community-based victim services, transition houses and counselling resources. We also offer general information about the justice system, crime prevention, safety planning, and other resources as needed.
Victim Services
Transition Houses
Counselling Resources
24/7 Support in 240 Languages

We also provide victims of family and sexual violence—including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual
services—with crisis and emotional support.
Our phone service is available in 240 languages and dialects, including many North American Indigenous languages. Callers who need assistance in another language can connect to interpretation support 24/7 using the number below.
If you’re not sure if you have been a victim of crime, you can reach out to us using the contact method below and our staff can help you find the right support and connect you to the most appropriate options.
Gender-Based Violence 24-Hour Crisis Lines

With funding from Women and Gender Equality Canada, Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre and The Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) have been contracted by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General to operate 24-hour Gender-Based Violence Crisis Lines to support victims across British Columbia.
Both gender-based violence crisis lines offer specialized supports to victims of gender-based violence that are culturally-safe and trauma informed. This includes risk assessment, safety planning, emotional support, information, resources, and referrals. IRSSS’ crisis line provides specialized supports to Indigenous victims of gender-based violence.
These specialized gender-based violence crisis lines work in collaboration with and complement the services offered by VictimLinkBC, which serves victims of all types of crime.